People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Philip Melville, justiciar of Scotia

married Eve, daughter of Walter, son of Sibbald
1198 × 1244
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Total number of associated factoids: 64

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Gift in marriage of land (Abbeyton) Beneficiary 3/534/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 94)
unavailable Gift of land in Mondynes (Abbeyton, KCD) Grantor 1/6/479 (RRS, ii, no. 513)
unavailable Gift of land in Mondynes in marriage Beneficiary 1/6/479 (RRS, ii, no. 513)
unavailable Gift of land in Mondynes (Abbeyton, KCD) Grantor 1/7/8 (RRS, iii, no. 8)
unavailable Gift of land in Mondynes (Abbeyton, KCD) Beneficiary 1/7/8 (RRS, iii, no. 8)
unavailable Gift of Mondynes (KCD) in marriage Beneficiary 3/384/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 93)
unavailable Gift of land in Mondynes (Abbeyton, KCD) Grantor 1/6/425 (RRS, ii, no. 458)
unavailable Gift of land in Mondynes (Abbeyton, KCD), in marriage Beneficiary 1/6/425 (RRS, ii, no. 458)
circa 1198 X 25 Feb. 1213 Gift of 2 oxgangs called 'Rath' in Catterline (KCD) in the presence of Duncan of Arbuthnott; Hugh of Benholm; James, scribe; John de Montfort, son of William; John of Perth, master, vicar of Perth; Philip Melville, justiciar of Scotia; Richard, chaplain of Perth ; Robert, steward (Arbroath); Walter White, master 3/84/1 A (NLS, MS Adv. 34.4.2, fos 52r-v, 72r-v)
20 Aug. 1199 X 17 Apr. 1207 Gift of Abbeyton (KCD) Grantor Alwine, son of Edmund of Fiddes; Brice, chaplain of bishops of Aberdeen; Duncan of Arbuthnott; Edmund of Fiddes, son of Gilla Míchéil; Humphrey Barclay, son of Theobald; John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207); Norman, son of Bertolf ; Peter, clerk (13C); Robert Mansell ; Robert, steward (Arbroath); Walter Scott, the younger; Walter, chaplain of bishops of Aberdeen (fl.1172×1207); Walter, son of Sibbald; William Golightly; William, son of Hugh son of Edward/Siward 3/384/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 93)
1200 X 17 Apr. 1207 Confirmation of land given in marriage to Philip de Maleville with Walter of Sibbald's daughter named person (transaction) Alwine, son of Edmund of Fiddes; Brice, chaplain of bishops of Aberdeen; Duncan of Arbuthnott; Edmund of Fiddes, son of Gilla Míchéil; Humphrey Barclay, son of Theobald; John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207); Norman, son of Bertolf ; Peter, clerk (13C); Philip Melville, justiciar of Scotia; Robert Mansell ; Robert of Mondynes; Robert, steward (Arbroath); Walter Scott, the younger; Walter, chaplain of bishops of Aberdeen (fl.1172×1207); William Golightly; William, son of Hugh son of Edward/Siward 3/534/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 94)
17/Apr, 1201 × 1207 Confirmation of land in Mondynes (Abbeyton, KCD) Sicut Clause David Hay, lord of Errol (d.1237×41); Philip de Valognes, chamberlain (d.1215); Philip of Lundin (13C); Robert of London (d.1225); Roger de Mortimer (d.1217×27); Roger of Wilton, knight; Saer de Quincy, earl of Winchester (d.1219) 1/6/425 (RRS, ii, no. 458)
17 Feb. 1215 X 8 Jun. 1222 Gift of 2 oxgangs called 'Rath' in Catterline (KCD) and 19 acres called 'Treiglas' in the presence of Alan Homel ; Geoffrey, son-in-law of Simon the chaplain; Isaac, burgess of Arbroath; Peter, marischal (KCD); Philip Melville, justiciar of Scotia; Robert, steward (Arbroath); Uhting of Balcathie; Walter, son of Osbert; William, chaplain of Catterline 3/84/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 124)

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Date Short Summary Source
circa 1198 X 25 February 1213 Gift of 2 oxgangs called 'Rath' in Catterline (KCD) 3/84/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 67)
circa 1198 X 25 February 1213 Confirmation of two oxgangs called 'Rath' in territory of Catterline (KCD) 3/84/3 (Arb. Lib., no. 68)
circa 1198 X 25 February 1213 Gift of land called ‘Glaskeler’ (KCD) 3/412/3 (Arb. Lib., no. 70)
circa 1198 X 25 February 1213 Gift of 2 oxgangs called 'Rath' in Catterline (KCD) 3/84/1 A (NLS, MS Adv. 34.4.2, fos 52r-v, 72r-v)
24 August 1198 X 16 October 1198 Gift of Balfeith (KCD) 3/83/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 89)
1200 X 17 April 1207 Confirmation of land given in marriage to Philip de Maleville with Walter of Sibbald's daughter 3/534/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 94)
1203 X 20 May 1213 Quitclaim of wood of Trustach (KCD) and common pasture 3/204/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 65)
1214 X 20 March 1238 Gift of feu in parish of Fordoun in the Mearns (KCD) 3/83/7 (Arb. Lib., no. 261)
1214 X 1245 Gift of oxgang next to mill of Conveth (KCD) 3/83/8 (BL Add. MS 33245, fos. 152r-v)
17 February 1215 X 8 June 1222 Gift of 2 oxgangs called 'Rath' in Catterline (KCD) and 19 acres called 'Treiglas' 3/84/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 124)
17 February 1215 X 8 June 1222 Confirmation of 2 oxgangs called 'Rath' (KCD) and 19 acres called 'Triesglas' 3/84/4 (Arb. Lib., no. 125)
1219 X 29 March 1240 Gift of the land of Blarkerocch outside the wood (in Strachan parish, KCD); and timber in his wood of Goauch (KCD) for the fabric of St Andrews priory 3/551/2 (St A. Lib., 276-7)
17 June 1219 X 25 March 1246 Gift of davoch in Mearns called Pittengardner (KCD) 3/322/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 242)
25 March 1222 X 24 March 1223 Agreement between Simon, prior of St Andrews and Gilla Muire, scoloc of Tarland 4/22/3 (Ash, St Andrews, App. 7, no. 2)
8 July 1228 Confirmation of agreement between Holyrood Abbey and Ingram Balliol 1/7/144 (RRS, iii, no. 141)
9 October 1232 Gift of Kinkeadly, Pitdray, Ardormie and Bamff in feu of Alyth (PER) and land of Fyal (PER) 1/7/186 (RRS, iii, no. 182)
11 September 1233 X 12 October 1233 Quitclaim of the wood of Trustach (KCD) 3/11/14 (Arb. Lib., no. 128)
12 October 1233 Confirmation of half mark from mill of Haddington (ELO) 1/7/207 (RRS, iii, no. 200)
12 October 1233 Concession of wood of Trustach (KCD) in free forest 1/7/208 (RRS, iii, no. 201)
3 August 1236 X Quitclaim of quarrels and demands to land of Philip of Feodarg for quitclaim of 'Ordlochlany' 2/71/9 (Arb. Lib., no. 227)
3 August 1236 Quitclaim of demands of land of Philip of Feodarg for quitclaim of Ordlochlany (?ABD) 2/64/8 (Arb. Lib., no. 227A)
11 January 1241 Concession of right to trade in Argyll and Lennox, and throughout kingdom 1/7/290 (RRS, iii, no. 283)
29 October 1241 Gift of £10 yearly from royal burgh ferme of Roxburgh 1/7/288 (RRS, iii, no. 281)
31 October 1241 Command to pay one wey of wax 1/7/289 (RRS, iii, no. 282)
4 August 1242 Command to pay £20 from mills and burgh of Ayr 1/7/294 (RRS, iii, no. 287)
7 June 1244 X Gift of Balcormo (FIF) 3/369/7 (SHS Misc. iv, no. 14)