A friendly agreement is formed between Andrew, bishop of Moray, and the Maison Dieu of Elgin and the brothers and sisters of that house, over certain lands which the bishop said belonged to his land of Manbeen (MOR), whereby the Maison Dieu will have in perpetuity all the land that was the bishop’s at Manbeen, in pure and perpetual alms, free and quit from all service, exaction, custom and demand pertaining to the bishops of Moray, by the bounds by which the bishop held them, with all its just pertinents. The boundary between Manbeen and Birnie (MOR) will be the River Lossie as it flows at the time of this writing. Bishop Andrew will have in exchange for this land and for their quitclaim, all the land of Kellas (MOR) which was the land of the aforesaid Maison Dieu, by its right bounds, and with all its just pertinents, as freely and quietly as Alexander of Douglas and the aforesaid house held it by the donation of King Alexander, saving the feuferme to Robert Findoc and his heirs. They will also have in perpetuity a croft in Elgin which that house had at the time of this agreement, neighbouring the precentor’s house. It was also agreed that Robert Findoc and his heirs will respond in all things to the bishop, saving 5 marks annually which is owed for the land of Kellas.