In the dispute between Sir Henry, abbot, and the convent of Inchcolm on one side, and Robert of Rosyth and Roger of Balmule and Christina his wife, sister of the aforesaid Robert, on the other, over the multure of Couston (FIF), Balmule (FIF) and Montquey (FIF), which the canons had sought, has been put to rest in the presence of William, abbot of Dunfermline, H[enry], prior of Culross, Master Peter of Ramsey, John de la Haye, then sheriff of Fife, and Archibald of Douglas, whereby Robert and his heirs will give to Inchcolm for the multure of Couston 8s. yearly at the two terminals, namely Martinmas and Pentecost, and grind their grain at their own mill if they have one; and they may build a mill and be free of any obligation to the canons in respect of it. The said Roger and Christina, his wife, and their heirs shall grind at the mill of Aberdour (FIF) the grain of Balmule and Montquey up to the 21st sack and be free from responsibility for repair of the mill of Aberdour and all other services.