An agreement is formed between Maldoven, earl of Lennox, and Gilbert son of Samuel, in the presence of Sir Walter son of Alan (II) the steward, justiciar of Scotia, William, abbot of Paisley, Malcolm, son of Maldoven, earl of Lennox, Thomas Croc, Hugh son of Simon, Simon son of Bertolf, and others; that the said Gilbert quitclaims in perpetuity, all right and all claim that he had or could have in a certain land of Lennox called ‘Monachkennaran’ (prob. DNB), of the land which the same Gilbert vexed the earl with claims about, by the letters of the lord king, so that neither Gilbert not his heirs shall disturb the earl or anyone else regarding Monachkennaran at any time in the future. And Gilbert restored to the earl the charter and confirmation which he had of the land of Monachkennaran, renouncing all instruments which may ever be found in the future. For this quitclaim, Earl Maldoven will pay Gilbert 60 marks: 20 at the next Glasgow Fair, 20 at Martinmas, and the remaining 20 at Pentecost in the year of the lord 1236. The earl provides pledges for Gilbert, namely, Malcolm his son, Thomas Croc, Hugh son of Simon and Simon son of Bertolf. Walter son of Alan (II) the steward, justiciar of Scotia, and William, abbot of Paisley, attach their seals.