An agreement was formed between the abbot and convent of Paisley and Thomas of Fulton and Matilda, his wife, in this form: Brother Stephen, called abbot of Paisley, and the convent of Paisley, with common counsel and consent of the chapter, has given, granted, and by the present script established, to Thomas of Fulton and Matilda, his wife, on account of a former sum of money which the monastery used, all the land of Fulton (RNF) which Sir Anthony, knight, hold of Paisley, after his the death or resignation, by those marches by which Nicholas of Fulton held it of Paisley. The land towards the bridge of Cart, and the other land which Laurence, the carpenter, once held of Paisley, and which Thomas and Matilda hold, shall revert to Paisley after the death or resignation of Sir Anthony, to be held by Thomas, Matilda and their three heirs, of Paisley with all liberties and pleas of wot, wrang, and hunlawe, with their escheats, saving to Paisley the fishing at Lincleve, and power to repair or strengthen the land of Fulton, as often as necessary, and saving pleas and complaints of life and limb and of blood-wite with its escheats, from the men residing in the land. Thomas and Matilda shall pay yearly for the land of Fulton 8 marks, half at Pentecost and half at Martinmas, for all service and secular demands, and for replevin or doubling the ferme, and making suit at Paisley’s court. They may have neither authority nor power to bind, pledge or give at ferme the land of Fulton to any person, ecclesiastical or secular, or anyone rich or powerful, for a yearly payment of 6 marks, or alienate them by any other means, without Paisley’s consent and assent. But if they wish to do [this], the land may fall from their right and shall revert to Paisley. After the death of the three heirs of Thomas and Matilda, the land of Fulton shall be devolved to the property and possession of the abbey, for their uses. No one, after the death of the three heirs, may expel or claim any right in the land, and if by chance it happens that another one, not written here, in the name of Thomas and Matilda, claims right to the land, they shall pay £200 penalty, half to the bishop of Glasgow and half to Paisley Abbey, before the lawsuit is entered and responded to by Paisley, and if Paisley wishes to go against this concession and donation, they will pay £200 penalty to Thomas and Matilda, before the lawsuit is entered or before it is heard at court. Paisley promises to observe this convention on the sacred Word, and for greater security both parties subject themselves to the jurisdiction of the bishop of Glasgow, or the archdeacon if the bishopric is vacant.
Firm date
circa 1272
Dating Notes
Thomas of Fulton as witness to _Pais. Reg._, 50-1 (dated 9 June 1272)