Document 2/146/8 (Pais. Reg., 345-6)
- Description
- Pope Clement IV has established to abbot and convent of Paisley the former dispute between Walter, bishop of Glasgow, of good memory, for one part, and the late Abbot William and the convent for the other, concerning the taxation of the vicarages of the churches belonging to the monastery, and the statutes of the same churches; at last, the late Hugh, archdeacon of Glasgow, and his colleague, to whom the ordination was submitted, assessed and ordained the taxations for the perpetual vicars of certain of those churches, with the consent of the parties and the chapter of Glasgow, [namely] that the churches of St Nicholas of the burgh of Prestwick (AYR), Neilston (RNF), and Rosneath (DNB), belonging by right of patronage, had been granted [cederent] for their own uses, that they should serve them with suitable chaplains, as contained in those letters, [since] they had held those churches for 35 years and more through secular chaplains, without the presentation of vicars.
- Firm date
- 23 May 1265
- Dating Notes
- 10 kal. June, pontifical year 1
- Place date (modern)
- Perugia
- Place date (document)
- Perusii
- Related Place
- Perugia
- Source for Data Entry
- Paisley Registrum, 345-6
- Trad. ID
- Pais. Reg., 345-6
- Calendar number
- 2/146/8
- Charter type
- Papal privilege: general confirmation
- Language
- Latin
- Notes
- Belfast, PRONI, Abercorn Papers, D623/B/7/1/4