People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Clement IV, pope (d.1268)

Kelly, Oxford Dictionary of Popes, 196-97: Clement, born Guy Foulques, was the son of a successful judge and was born at Saint-Gilles-sur-Rhône on 23 November (year around 1195). He studied law at Paris and was a legal councillor of Louis IX of France. Guido was married and had two daughters with his wife, but when she died he took up holy orders. He was archdeacon of Le Put and, in 1256, was made bishop of Puy; in 1259, archbishop of Narbonne; by December 1261, cardinal-bishop of Sabina. In November 1263 he served as legate in England. He was elected pope at Perugia on 5 February 1265 and crowned at Viterbo on 22 February. He died at Viterbo on 29 November 1268 and was buried in the Dominican convent of Santa Maria in Gradi.
1265 × 1267
Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Appointment of papal judge-delegate in case between Paisley Abbey and Malmure Hobolan Addressor 4/32/100 (Pais. Reg., 139-40 )
unavailable Petition from the abbot and convent of Paisley Addressee 2/146/9 (Pais. Reg., 231)
unavailable Confirmation of general privileges of the Cluniac Order Grantor 2/153/8 (Pais. Reg., 301-4)
unavailable Petition of Paisley Abbey Addressee 2/146/16 (Pais. Reg., 422-4)
unavailable Petition of abbot and convent of Arbroath Addressee 2/146/23 (Arb. Lib., no. 255)
unavailable Petition from Paisley Abbey concerning church of Craigie (AYR) Addressee 2/146/19 (Pais. Reg., 235-6)
unavailable Petition for remedy Addressee 2/146/17 (Ayr Friars, no. 2)
unavailable Petition from Paisley Abbey Addressee 2/146/8 (Pais. Reg., 345-6)
unavailable Sentence of the lord Pope (not specified) Grantor 2/10/255 (Dryb. Lib., no. 10)
unavailable Petition of the abbot and convent of Paisley Addressee 2/146/3 (Pais. Reg., 230)
unavailable Petition from Paisley Abbey Addressee 2/146/11 (Pais. Reg., 341)
1265 Confirmation of possessions of Paisley Abbey Grantor 2/146/15 (Pais. Reg., 308-12)
28 Mar. 1265 Concession that no one may presume to bring Paisley Abbey to a secular court Grantor 2/146/1 (Pais. Reg., 418-19)
26 Apr. 1265 Concession to make provisions to suitable persons in Aberdeen diocese Grantor 2/146/2 (Theiner, no. 242)
7 May 1265 Confirmation of churches of Newton-on-Ayr and Auchinleck (AYR) Grantor 2/146/3 (Pais. Reg., 230)
9 May 1265 Prohibition that none may infringe upon churches Grantor 2/146/4 (Glas. Friars, no. 4 )
11 May 1265 Concession to concede profits of teinds Grantor 2/146/5 (Pais. Reg., 421)
19 May 1265 Forbidding of seculars from having pleas or meetings within confines of Paisley Abbey Grantor 2/146/6 (Pais. Reg., 428-9)
23 May 1265 Confirmation of churches of Newton-on-Ayr and Auchinleck (AYR) Grantor 2/146/7 (Pais. Reg., 231)
23 May 1265 Confirmation of agreement concerning assessment of vicarages Grantor 2/146/8 (Pais. Reg., 345-6)
27 May 1265 Confirmation of churches of Newton-on-Ayr and Auchinleck (AYR) Grantor 2/146/9 (Pais. Reg., 231)
11 Jun. 1265 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Addressor 2/146/10 (Pais. Reg., 424)
13 Jun. 1265 Concession that protifs of Paisley Abbey not to be sequestrated through ordinaries Grantor 2/146/11 (Pais. Reg., 341)
20 Jun. 1265 Forbidding against being bound to foreign debts Grantor 2/146/12 (Pais. Reg., 421)
27 Jun. 1265 Confirmation of agreement concerning assessment of vicarages Grantor 2/146/13 (Pais. Reg., 418)
11 Oct. 1265 Indulgence of 100 days of penance Grantor 2/146/14 (Glas. Friars, no. 5)
2 Feb. 1266 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Addressor 2/146/16 (Pais. Reg., 422-4)
12 Feb. 1266 Concession that Friars Preachers may possess property and that any sentences against them will be void Grantor 2/146/17 (Ayr Friars, no. 2)
11 Mar. 1266 Confirmation of church of Craigie (AYR) Grantor 2/146/18 (Pais. Reg., 235)
2 Apr. 1266 Concession not to be prejudiced by presentation of rectors Grantor 2/146/19 (Pais. Reg., 235-6)
23 May 1266 Confirmation of church of Madderty (PER) Grantor 2/146/20 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 93)
20 Jun. 1266 Command to collect the tenth in Scotland and give to the king of England Addressor 2/146/21 (Theiner, no. 249)
1 Jul. 1266 Appointment of papal judge-delegate Addressor 2/146/22 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 94)
16 Feb. 1267 Concession that profits not be sequestrated by ordinaries Grantor 2/146/23 (Arb. Lib., no. 255)
20 Jun. 1268 X Confirmation of resignation of right of patronage of church of Lauder (BWK) named person (transaction) 2/10/255 (Dryb. Lib., no. 10)
12 Apr. 1345 Inspection of bull of Pope Clement IV allowing Friars Preachers to hold temporal property named person (transaction) 1/54/93 (RRS, vi, no. 88)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
25 Mar. 1267 X 4 Jul. 1267 Chaplain (papal) of Clement IV, pope (d.1268) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/100/7 (Brech. Reg., i, no. 3)
7 May 1286 Predecessor of Honorius IV, pope (d.1287) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/153/8 (Pais. Reg., 301-4)