Pope Honorius III commands Master James, papal chaplain and penitentiary, apostolic legate, on petition of the prior and convent of St Andrews, to call before him these on the one part, and on the other the bishop and certain clerks of St Andrews, called céli De, and Master H. of Melburne, Adam Ovid, and Adam of Scone, and Henry of Weles [Wells?], and Roger of Huntingfield, clerks, also the bishop and archdeacon of Dunblane, and the prior of May, D. of Perth, knight, Hugh of Nydie, and Henry, lord of Inchture, and certain other clerks and laymen of the diocese of St Andrews, Aberdeen and Dunblane, who have laid violent hands on the churches, possessions, pensions, rents, liberties, and other property of the said prior and convent; and to decide the matter, causing the depositions of witnesses to be produced, and confirming, when necessary, the sentences pronounced on various points by judges formerly commissioned by the pope to try them.