Christina de Brus, countess of Dunbar, with assent of Sir Patrick (II) earl of Dunbar and Sir Patrick his son and heir, as well as with assent of David, bishop of St Andrews, has given to Friars of the Order of the Holy Trinity and the Captives, her house which she founded in villa of Dunbar (ELO) with all possessions and goods as much by gift of Sir Patrick the earl and Sir David of Graham and Thomas of ‘Bernach’ as by purchase and provision otherwise. The minister of house of Berwick will have perpetual care and charge of said house, who shall also find a friar to be chaplain of said house and continually celebrate divine service. She also wills and grants that said minister with friars dwelling in house at Dunbar will have full power to dispose of all possessions and goods given and granted to house, according to statutes of order.
Firm date
22 January 1240 X November 1248
Dating Notes
Consecration of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews × death of Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar