David, king of Scots, has given his beloved and faithful Bartholomew de Loen, knight, for his homage and faithful service, and to his beloved relative (consanguineus) Philippa de Moubray, his spouse, all the barony of Barnbougle in the constabulary of Linlithgow in the sheriffdom of Edinburgh (WLO), which John Graham, earl of Menteith and Mary his wife resigned by rod and staff of their own free wills in his council at Perth, held on 3 May, regnal year 17 [1346], for the settlement of a debt of 2000 marks for their marriage and relief; holding by Bartholomew and Philippa and their heirs or assigns, in feu and heritage, with the services of the freeholders of the said barony as the aforesaid John and Mary held it, for the service of one bowman or archer. And if any of the heirs or assigns of John and Mary should renounce or contradict or in any way attempt to weaken this donation, he wills that before any lawsuit may be brought, he must be satisfied for the full 2000 marks. And if this satisfaction does not occur, he gives licence to the earl of Menteith to distrain them