David, king of Scots, with the counsel and ordination of the good men of his realm, has granted and demitted at feuferme to his burgesses and the community of the burgh of Dundee, his said burgh of Dundee (ANG); holding in feu and heritage, in free burgage, with free port, fair and market, as freely as his burgesses of his burghs of Berwick on Tweed, Edinburgh or Aberdeen have their burghs; rendering annually to his chamber 20 pounds sterling at the two terminals, namely, Pentecost and Martinmas. He also wills and grants that everyone dwelling in the burgh with the burgesses may participate in the market and be held to pay the king's aids and may be compelled to take on other burdens alongside the burgesses. Moreover, he wills and grants that no-one in the sheriffdom of Forfar may buy wool, pelts or hides except the burgesses of Dundee, excepting those who have the liberty of buying by charter of infeftment. He also wills and grants that the burgesses will only respond to the king's chamberlain for the payment. The burgesses will be free to buy merchandise in the vill of Cupar in Fife.