People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

William, abbot of Holyrood (II) (fl.1187×89-1206)

Watt and Shead, Heads, 92: William occurs as abbot of Holyrood 1187×89 and again in '1206'. papal judge
1189 × 1206
Related Place
Holyrood Abbey

Total number of associated factoids: 51

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Date Short Summary Source
1178 X 13 May 1195 abbot of Holyrood 3/578/2 (Camb. Reg., no. 80)
1183 X 1 Aug. 1189 abbot of Holyrood 1/6/257 (RRS, ii, no. 284)
15 Mar. 1187 X 23 Mar. 1189 abbot of Holyrood 1/6/246 (RRS, ii, no. 272)
1189 X 1195 abbot of Edinburgh 1/6/289 (RRS, ii, no. 318)
13 Apr. 1189 X 1198 abbot of Holyrood 3/7/3 (Inchcolm, no. 7)
1192 X 7 Aug. 1205 abbot of Holyrood 3/384/3 (Holy. Lib., App. II, no. 2)
1193 abbot of Holyrood 3/14/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 29)
1193 abbot of Holyrood 3/14/2 (Melr. Lib., no. 30)
1193 X 1195 abbot of Holyrood 1/6/340 (RRS, ii, no. 300)
1193 X 2 Feb. 1196 abbot of Holyrood 3/94/1 (Glas. Reg., no. 78)
25 Mar. 1193 X 24 Mar. 1194 abbot of Holyrood 4/32/10 (SEA, i, no. 52)
2 Feb. 1194 abbot of Holyrood 4/33/6 (SEA, i, no. 232)
2 Feb. 1194 X abbot of Holyrood 1/6/339 (RRS, ii, no. 368)
1198 X 1199 abbot of Edinburgh 2/10/128 (SEA, i, no. 245)
15 Feb. 1198 X 17 Mar. 1199 abbot of Holyrood 2/10/118 (SEA, i, no. 238)
15 Feb. 1198 X 7 Jul. 1202 abbot of Holyrood 4/32/13 (SEA, i, no. 256)
24 Aug. 1198 X 17 Mar. 1199 abbot of Holyrood 4/4/3 (SEA, i, no. 255)
17 Mar. 1199 X 17 Jun. 1200 abbot of Edinburgh 2/10/131 (SEA, i, no. 244)
17 Mar. 1199 X 17 Jun. 1200 abbot of Holyrood 2/10/130 (SEA, i, no. 242)
6 Jun. 1199 abbot of Edinburgh 2/10/127 (SEA, i, no. 243)
1 Jul. 1200 abbot of Holyrood 2/10/133 (SEA, i, no. 240)
6 Dec. 1201 abbot of Edinburgh 4/30/1 (Kel. Lib., no. 427)
23 Mar. 1206 abbot of Holyrood 4/32/17 (Glas. Reg., no. 82 )
23 Mar. 1206 judge-delegate 4/32/17 (Glas. Reg., no. 82 )

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Date Short Summary Source
1178 X 13 May 1195 Gift of 2 oxgangs in Dunipace (STL) 3/578/2 (Camb. Reg., no. 80)
1183 X 1 August 1189 Gift of church of 'Foethmuref' (Barry, ANG) 1/6/257 (RRS, ii, no. 284)
15/Mar/1187 × 23/Mar/1189 Succession of bishopric of Moray 1/6/246 (RRS, ii, no. 272)
1189 X 1195 Gift of churches of Gamrie (BNF) and Tarves (ABD) 1/6/289 (RRS, ii, no. 318)
13 April 1189 X 1198 Confirmation of one mark from Cockairnie (FIF) and one toft from burgh of Inverkeithing (FIF) 3/7/3 (Inchcolm, no. 7)
1193 Gift of Maybole-beg (AYR) and Beoch (AYR) 3/14/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 29)
1193 Gift of Maybole-beg (AYR) and Beoch (AYR) 3/14/2 (Melr. Lib., no. 30)
1193 X 1195 Confirmation of donation which Earl Fergus made of a rent of one mark 1/6/340 (RRS, ii, no. 300)
1193 X 2 February 1196 Gift of church of Hutton (DMF) 3/94/1 (Glas. Reg., no. 78)
2 February 1194 X Confirmation of agreement between church of St Andrews and Roger, bishop-elect, and church of Durham and Prior Bertram 1/6/339 (RRS, ii, no. 368)
2 February 1194 Settlement of dispute between churches of St Andrews and Durham 4/33/6 (SEA, i, no. 232)
1198 X 1199 Renewal of churches in diocese of St Andrews for own uses of Durham 2/10/128 (SEA, i, no. 245)
15 February 1198 X 17 March 1199 Renewal of churches belonging to Arbroath Abbey 2/10/118 (SEA, i, no. 238)
24 August 1198 X 17 March 1199 Agreement between Roger, bishop of St Andrews, and Abbot Henry of Arbroath 4/4/3 (SEA, i, no. 255)
17 March 1199 X 17 June 1200 Renewal of churches belonging to Durham Priory in diocese of St Andrews 2/10/131 (SEA, i, no. 244)
17 March 1199 X 17 June 1200 Confirmation of agreement made between Bishop Roger and Durham 2/10/130 (SEA, i, no. 242)
6 June 1199 Confirmation of churches within diocese of St Andrews, and grant to convert vacant churches 'in usus proprios' 2/10/127 (SEA, i, no. 243)
1 July 1200 Renewal of churches of Kirkton (St Ninians, STL) and Clackmannan (CLA) 2/10/133 (SEA, i, no. 240)
6 December 1201 Statement of agreed terms for appointment of clerks to vicarages in dioceses of St Andrews and Glasgow which belong to Kelso Abbey 4/30/1 (Kel. Lib., no. 427)