People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Gratian, subdeacon of Holy Roman Church, and papal notary

1173 × 1175

Total number of associated factoids: 8

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Date Short Summary Source
25 Mar. 1173 subdeacon (papal) 2/131/26 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 66)
25 Mar. 1173 notary 2/131/26 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 66)
18 Feb. 1175 subdeacon (papal) 2/131/32 (Newb. Reg., App., no. 28)
18 Feb. 1175 notary 2/131/32 (Newb. Reg., App., no. 28)
28 Feb. 1175 X 30 Apr. 1175 subdeacon 2/131/35 (Glas. Reg., no. 32)