People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Geoffrey de Percy, son of Alan

1153 × 1153
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Gift of land in Heiton (ROX) Grantor 2/132/18 (Dryb. Lib., no. 249)
unavailable Gift of a ploughgate in Heiton and one in Oxnam Grantor 1/5/33 (RRS, i, no. 156)
unavailable Donation in Heiton (ROX) Grantor 1/6/50 (RRS, ii, no. 65)
unavailable Gift of two oxgangs in Heiton (ROX) Grantor 3/165/1 (Dryb. Lib., no. 225)
unavailable Gift of Geoffrey de Percy Grantor 1/6/47 (RRS, ii, no. 62)
unavailable Gift of Henry de Percy named person (transaction) 1/6/47 (RRS, ii, no. 62)
unavailable Gifts of Geoffrey de Percy Grantor 1/7/153 (RRS, iii, no. 150)
unavailable Gift of ploughgate in Oxnam (ROX) Beneficiary 3/465/2 (Whitby Cart., no. 57)
unavailable Gift of Newbigging (ROX) after death of Geoffrey de Percy named person (transaction) 1/7/153 (RRS, iii, no. 150)
undated Renewal of two ploughgates, one in Oxnam (ROX), and the other in Heiton (ROX) Grantor Alan, brother of Robert Tyrell; Henry de Percy, son of Alan; Robert Tyrell 3/465/5 (Whitby Cart., no. 61)
unavailable Gift of two oxgangs of land in Heiton (ROX) Grantor 1/7/166 (RRS, iii, no. 162)
unavailable Gift of one ploughgate of land in Oxnam Grantor 3/465/6 (Whitby Cart., no. 60)
unavailable Gift of a ploughgate in Heiton and Oxnam Grantor 1/4/122 (Chrs. David I, no. 212)
10 Nov. 1150 X 10 May 1183 Gift of 2 oxgangs in Heiton (ROX) Grantor 3/465/4 (Dryb. Lib., no. 224)
19 Jun. 1152 X 24 May 1153 Gift of one ploughgate of land in Oxnam Grantor Alan, son of Ralph; Geoffrey/Godfrey de Percy, clerk; Robert Tyrell 3/465/2 (Whitby Cart., no. 57)
1153 X 24 Jan. 1162 Gift of one ploughgate in Heiton (ROX) Grantor Ascelin, archdeacon of Glasgow (fl.1126×7-1153×9); Herbert, bishop of Glasgow (d.1164); Osbert, abbot of Jedburgh (d.1174); William, abbot of Holyrood (I) (d.1172); William, bishop of Moray (d.1162) 3/465/3 (Kel. Lib., no. 358)
10 May 1184 Grant of a privilege of protection, confirming possessions, rights, and immunities named person (transaction) 2/132/18 (Dryb. Lib., no. 249)