Watt, Scottish Graduates, 189: Michael, whose surname is derived from Fintry, Stirlingshire, was probably the same as Michael, clerk, who appears in 1178×99, probably later in that period. He is presumably connected to ‘Adam de Fintref’ who appears at that time also. Michael appears again as Master, 1208×14 and was presumably the Master Michael, dean of Lennox who appears in 1214×48 and 8 January 1226/7. He was still dean in September 1234. He held a half-arachor of land at ‘Nentbolg’ (Easter Glenboig near Fintry) of Earl Maldoven of Lennox who confirmed it to Michael’s son, Luke, 1234×c.1270, when Luke was the earl’s clerk.
Watt and Murray, Fasti, 233: Michael appears as dean of Lennox on 8 January 1227 and probably on 30 September 1234.