People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

William, son of Hawock of Perth

1241 × 1248
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Date Short Summary Role Source
Saturday 8 Dec. 1240 Son of Hawock of Perth (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/646/8 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 69)
8 Dec. 1240 X Son of Hawock of Perth (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/646/13 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 70)
8 Dec. 1240 X 1270 Son of Hawock of Perth (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/646/14 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 71 )
8 Dec. 1240 X 5 Mar. 1271 Son of Hawock of Perth(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 2/98/2 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 72)
4 Sept. 1241 X circa 23 Dec. 1248 Son of Hawock of Perth (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/380/1 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 73)
4 Sept. 1241 X circa 23 Dec. 1248 Son of Hawock of Perth (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/380/2 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 74)

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Date Short Summary Source
8 Dec. 1240 X 1270 burgess of Perth 3/646/14 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 71 )
4 Sept. 1241 X circa 23 Dec. 1248 burgess of Perth 3/380/1 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 73)
4 Sept. 1241 X circa 23 Dec. 1248 burgess of Perth 3/380/2 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 74)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
Saturday 8 Dec. 1240 Land held by William son of Hawok in Perth Holder (possession) 3/646/8 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 69)
8 Dec. 1240 X Land held by William son of Hawok of Perth Holder (possession) 3/646/13 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 70)
8 Dec. 1240 X 1270 Land held of Scone Abbey in North Street of Perth (PER) Holder (possession) 3/646/14 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 71 )

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Date Short Summary Source
4 September 1241 X circa 23 December 1248 Gift of church of St Mordac of Kilmorich (ARG) 3/380/1 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 73)
4 September 1241 X circa 23 December 1248 Gift of church of Kilmorich (ARG) 3/380/2 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 74)