People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Unknown, sheriff of Berwick (Edward I)

1296 × 1304
Related Place

Total number of associated factoids: 32

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Inquest into lands of Foulden (BWK) Judge 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 578a)
undated Command to deliver lands of Helen de la Zouche to her heir Addressee 1/27/0 (CDS, ii, no. 853f)
Wednesday 4 Apr. 1296 X Tuesday 28 Aug. 1296 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (SHS Misc. xi, 31-49, 123-133)
20 Aug. 1296 Command to hold inquisitions into lands of Helen de la Zouche Addressee 1/27/0 (CDS, ii, no. 853e)
3 Sept. 1296 * Command to restore lands to John Hay Addressee 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 384)
3 Sept. 1296 * Command to restore lands to John of Badby Addressee 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 384)
3 Sept. 1296 * Command to restore lands to John Sinclair Addressee 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 384)
3 Sept. 1296 * Command to restore lands to Alan of Collie Law Addressee 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 384)
3 Sept. 1296 X 14 Sept. 1296 Command to retain lands of John Balliol and others in prison Addressee 1/27/0 (CDS, ii, no. 853a)
5 Oct. 1298 Command to send provision to king at Jedburgh Addressee 1/27/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 531)
9 Oct. 1298 Correspondence to Edward I Addressor 5/0/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 532)
1 Dec. 1298 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 547)
Monday 28 Nov. 1300 Inquest into lands of William Murray Judge 4/38/27 (CDS, ii, no. 1178)
7 Feb. 1301 Command to restore Alan de la Zouche his lands Addressee 1/27/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1186b)
11 Apr. 1304 Command to deliver lands outside Berwick to David of Wemyss and his wife, Marjory Addressee 1/27/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1538a)
4 May 1304 Statement concerning restoration of lands and goods to bishop of Dunkeld named person (transaction) 0/0/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1530)
4 Aug. 1304 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1570)
1306 Petition of prior of Dyrham concerning Coldingham named person (transaction) 2/84/33 (CDS, iv, no. 1826)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
9 Oct. 1298 Lord (dominus) of Unknown, sheriff of Berwick (Edward I) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 5/0/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 532)