Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Robert [Bruce] I, king of Scots (d.1329) | Robertus, etc. | Robert, etc. | 1292 × 1329 |
Beneficiary | James Douglas, lord of Douglas (d.1330) | Jacobo de Duglas filio et heredi Willelmi de Duglas | James of Douglas son and heir of William of Douglas knight | 1309 × 1329 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
William of Lamberton, bishop of St Andrews (d.1328) | Willelmo | William, by the grace of God, bishop of St Andrews | 1293 × 1328 | 1 |
Duncan (IV), earl of Fife (d.1353) | Duncano | Duncan earl of Fife | 1306 × 1352 | 2 |
Andrew Murray, pantler of Scotland (d.1338) | Andrea de Moravia | Andrew of Moray | 1320 × 1335 | 3 |
Robert of Irvine, knight | Roberto de Urvyng | Robert of Irving | 1320 × 1320 | 4 |
Nicholas Hay (III), son of Gilbert Hay (II) | Nicholao de Haya | Nicholas de Hay | 1320 × 1328 | 5 |
David Graham (V), knight (d. ca 1330) | David de Graeme | David of Graham, knights | 1296 × 1326 | 6 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
LAN | Douglas | totam terram et tenementum vallis de Duglas | Douglas |
LAN (Lanarkshire) | Carmichael | totam terram et tenementum de Kirkmychel | Carmichael |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
right of patronage | advowson of church of Douglas (LAN) | ||
right of patronage | advowson of church of Carmichael (LAN) | ||
freedom from prises, attachments or petitions | freedom from prises, attachments or petitions |