Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | William I, king of Scots (d.1214) | Willelmus | William, king of Scots | 1145 × 1213 |
Beneficiary | St Andrews Cathedral Priory | ecclesie Sancti Andree apostoli | church of St Andrew the apostle | 1140 × 1309 |
Beneficiary | Hospital of St Andrews | hospitali | hospital | 1140 × 1205 |
Previous landholder | Malise of Pitmilly | Malisius | Malise | |
Perambulator | Hugh Gifford, lord of Yester | Hugo Giffard | Hugh Giffard | 1153 × 1189 |
Previous landholder | Ralph of Allerwash | Radulfus de Aluerbas | Ralph of Allerwash | |
Neighbouring landholder | Ralph of Morpeth | Radulfi de Morpat | Ralph of Morpeth | |
Sicut Clause | Ada de Warenne (d.1178), countess of Northumberland | Ade | Ada, countess, my mother | 1139 × 1175 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Richard, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1178) | Ricardo | Richard, bishop of Dunkeld | 1162 × 1173 | 1 |
Walter de Bidun (d.1178) | Waltero de Bidun | Walter de Bidun, chancellor | 1150 × 1175 | 2 |
Duncan (II), earl of Fife (d.1204) | Dunecano | Duncan, earl | 1159 × 1203 | 3 |
Richard de Moreville (d.1189 or 1190) | Ricardo de Moreuill' | Richard de Moreville, constable | 1152 × 1189 | 4 |
Walter of Windsor | Waltero de Windessor' | Walter of Windsor | 1170 × 1198 | 5 |
Geoffrey (I) Melville | Galfrido de Maleuill' | Geoffrey de Maleville | 1153 × 1189 | 6 |
John of London (?d.a.1190) | Johanne de London' | John of London | 1177 × 1202 | 7 |
William de Mortimer (12C) | Willelmo de Mortemer | William de Mortimer | 1168 × 1180 | 8 |