People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Renewal of lands of ‘Drumeceisuiene’, ‘Alesburc’ and ‘Auchnephur’ (near Brown Carrick Hill, AYR)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/353/2 (Melr. Lib., no. 33)
Firm date
Probable date
late 12C/early 13C
Dating Notes
<em>Melr. Lib.</em>, i, no. 31-32 x
free from royal/forinsec service
Exemptions original language
adquietabimus de forensi et omni terreno seruicio erga dominum regem et omnes homines inperpetuum
Render dates
Martinmas (Feast of St Martin) [11 Nov.]; Pentecost (Whitsun)
Returns / Renders
money: marks
Previous mentions of charter
Witnesses in original, but not copied into cartulary

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Henry son of Thurstan son of Leving Henricus filius turst' filii leuing Henry son of Thurston son of Leving
Grantor Mary, wife of Henry son of Thurston Maria vxor eius filia et heirs Rogeri de Scalebroc Mary, his wife, daughter and heir of Roger of Scarborough
Beneficiary Melrose Abbey (fd.1136) ecclesie sancte Marie de Melros et monachis ibidem church of Saint Mary of Melrose and the monks there 1147 × 1309
named person (transaction) Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) dominum regem lord king

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
AYR (Ayrshire) lands near Brown Carrick Hill totam terram de Drumeteisueiene et de alesbiri et de auchnephur Brown Carrick Hill