Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Party 1 | Arbroath Abbey (fd.1178) | Abbatem et conuentum de Aberbroth' | abbot and convent of Arbroath | 1180 × 1369 |
Party 2 | William, fowler | Willelmum aucupem | William the fowler | 1214 × 1249 |
named person (transaction) | William, chaplain of Maryton | Willelmo | William, chaplain of Maryton | |
named person (transaction) | John, chaplain of Maryton | Johanne | John, chaplain of Maryton | |
named person (transaction) | Richard Fleming | Ricard' flandr' | Richard Fleming | 1194 × 1228 |
named person (transaction) | Simon, son-in-law of Richard Fleming | symone genero eiusdem Ricard' | Simon son-in-law of the same Richard | |
named person (transaction) | Peter, miller (ANG) | petro | Peter the miller |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
ANG (Angus) | land between Maryton and villa of William Fowler | quadam porcione terre inter villam eiusdem Willelmi aucupis et Maringtun | Maryton |