A to C
Abbreviated form used in database Full reference
- A-S Relations Anglo-Scottish Relations 1174-1328, ed. E.L.G. Stones (London, 1970)
- A.B. Coll. Collections for a History of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff, ed. J. Robertson (Spalding Club, 1843)
- A.B. Ill. Illustrations of the Topography and Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff, vols ii-iv, ed. J. Robertson; vol. i, ed. G. Grub (Spalding Club, 1847, 1857, 1862, 1869)
- Abdn. Burgh Chrs. Charters and other Writs illustrating the History of the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen, ed. P.J. Anderson (Aberdeen 1890)
- Abdn. Reg. Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis, ed. C. Innes (Two vols, Spalding & Maitland Clubs, 1845)
- Analecta Monastica Dom. H. Farmer, 'A Letter of St Waldef of Melrose concerning a recent vision', Analecta Monastica, 5th ser. (1958), 91-101.
- Analecta Scotica Analecta Scotica, ed. J. Maidment (Edinburgh, 1834-47)
- Anglia sacra Henry Wharton, Anglia sacra (London, 1691), i
- Annandale Fraser, W., The Annandale Family Book (Edinburgh, 1894)
- APS The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, ed. T. Thomson and C. Innes (Edinburgh, 1814-75)
- Arb. Lib. Liber Sancte Thome de Aberbrothoc, ed. C. Innes and P. Chalmers (Two parts, Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1848-1856)
- Ash, St Andrews Marinell Ash, 'The Administration of the Diocese of St Andrews 1202 - 1328' (University of Newcastle PhD thesis, 1972)
- Ayr Friars Charters of the Friars Preachers of Ayr (AHCAG, 1883)
- Balm. Lib. Liber Sancte Marie de Balmorinach, ed. W.B.D.D. Turnbull (Abbotsford Club, Edinburgh, 1841)
- Bannatyne Misc. ‘Two ancient records of the Bishopric of Caithness’, Bannatyne Misc., ii (1848)
- Barrow & Royan, ‘James Stewart’ G.W.S. Barrow and Ann Royan, 'James, Fifth Stewart of Scotland, 1260(?)–1309', in Keith Stringer (ed), Essays on the Nobility of Medieval Scotland (Edinburgh 1985), 166-94
- Barrow and Barnes, SHR 49 Patricia M. Barnes and G.W.S. Barrow, 'The movements of Robert Bruce between September 1307 and May 1308', Scottish Historical Review, 49 (1970), 46-59
- Barrow, Culdees Barrow, G.W.S., 'The cathedral chapter at St Andrews and the Culdees in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 3 (1952), 23-9
- Barrow, ‘Dalmilling’ Barrow, G.W.S., 'The Gilbertine house at Dalmelling', Ayrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Collections, 2nd series, iv, 50-67
- Barrow, E. Fife Docs. Barrow, G.W.S., ‘Some East Fife Documents’, in The Scottish Tradition: Essays in honour of Ronald Gordon Cant, ed. G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh, 1974), 23- 43
- Barrow, Judex Barrow, G.W.S., ‘The judex’, in The Kingdom of the Scots, 57- 67
- Barrow, Kinninmonth Barrow, G.W.S., ‘The early charters of the family of Kinninmonth of that ilk’, in The Study of Medieval Records, ed. D.A. Bullough and R.L. Storey (Oxford, 1971), 107- 31.
- Barrow, A-N Era Barrow, G.W.S., The Anglo-Norman Era in Scottish History (Oxford, 1980)
- Barrow, SHR 77 Barrow, G.W.S., ‘The Origins of the Family of Lochore’ SHR 77 (1998), 252-4.
- Barrow, SHR 30 Barrow, G.W.S., ‘A Twelfth-century Newbattle Document’, SHR 30 (1951), 43-45.
- Barrow, SHR 36 Barrow, G.W.S., ‘A Writ of Henry II for Dunfermline Abbey’, SHR 36 (1957), 138 – 143.
- Barrow, SHR 84 Barrow, G.W.S., ‘An unpublished brieve of Malcolm IV’, SHR 84 (2005), 85-87.
- Bates, AA 12 Bates, ‘Three Papal Bulls’, Archaeologia Aeliana, New Ser., xii (1887)
- Beauly Chrs The charters of the priory of Beauly, ed. E.C. Batten (Grampian Club, 1877)
- Berkeley Castle Muniments Earls of Berkeley, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire
- Bernard, PSAS 47 Bernard, J.H., ‘A thirteenth-century papal charter granted to the abbey of Kinloss’, PSAS 47 (1912-13)
- BL British Library, London
- BL, Add. MS 33245 British Library, Additional Manuscript, 33245 (an unpublished Arbroath Abbey cartulary)
- BL, Cott. Chrs. British Library, Sir Robert Bruce Cotton Charters
- Brech. Reg. Registrum Episcopatus Brechinensis, ed. P. Chalmers and C. Innes (Two vols, Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1856)
- Brink. Cart. The Chartulary of Brinkburn Priory, ed. W. Page. Surtees Soc., 90 (1893)
- Buccleuch Fraser, W., The Scotts of Buccleuch (Edinburgh, 1878)
- C.A. Chrs. Charters of the abbey of Coupar Angus, ed. D.E. Easson (Scottish History Society, 3rd Series, two vols, Edinburgh, 1947)
- C.A. Rent. Rental book of the Cistercian abbey of Cupar Angus, ed. C. Rogers (Two vols, Grampian Club, 1879-80)
- Caerlaverock Fraser, W., The Book of Caerlaverock: the Memoirs of the Maxwells, Earls of Nithsdale, Lords Maxwell and Herries (Two vols, Edinburgh, 1873)
- Cal. Laing Chrs Calendar of the Laing Charters 854- 1837, ed. J. Anderson (Edinburgh, 1899)
- Cal. Papal Letters Calendar of Papal Registers: Papal Letters, ed. W.H. Bliss (18 vols, London, 1893-1989)
- Camb. Reg. Registrum Monasterii S. Marie de Cambuskenneth, ed. W. Fraser (Grampian Club, 1872)
- Campbell, SHR 8 N.D. Campbell, 'Early Charter at Inveraray', SHR 8 (1910-11), 222.
- Canterbury, Reg. B. Library of the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Canterbury, Register B
- CChR Calendar of Charter Rolls
- CDS Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, ed. J. Bain (Five vols, Edinburgh, 1881-88)
- Chart. St Mary's, Dublin Chartularies of St Mary's Abbey Dublin, ed. John T. Gilbert, ii (1884)
- Chron. Lanercost Chronicon de Lanercost, ed. J. Stevenson (Edinburgh 1839)
- Chron. Man App. Chronicle of Man and the Isles, Appendix
- Chrs David I The charters of King David I: King of Scots, 1124 – 53 and of his son Henry earl of Northumberland, ed. G.W.S. Barrow (Woodbridge, 1999)
- Chrs de Cluny Recueil des chartes de l’abbaye de Cluny, vi
- Cockburn, Friar Clement J. Hutchison Cockburn, ‘Friar Clement O.P. (Bishop of Dunblane 1233-1258)’, Society of the Friends of Dunblane Cathedral, vii (1954-1956)
- Cold. Cart. Chartulary of the Cistercian priory of Coldstream, ed. C. Rogers (Grampian Club, 1879)
- Cold. Corr. The Correspondence, Inventories, Account Rolls and Law Proceedings of the Priory of Coldingham, ed. J. Raine (Surtees Society, London, 1841)
- Cooper, Select Cases Lord Cooper, Select Scottish Cases of the Thirteenth Century (Edinburgh 1944)
- Colquhoun Fraser, W., The Chiefs of Colquhoun and their Country (Edinburgh, 1869)
- Concilia Wilkins, Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae, i
- Cromartie Fraser, W., The earls of Cromartie (Edinburgh, 1876)
- Crossraguel Charters of the Abbey of Crossraguel (AHCAG, 1886)
- Culross Chrs Douglas, W., ‘Culross Abbey and its Charters, with notes on a fifteenth-century manuscript’, PSAS 60 (1925- 26), 67- 94
D to L
Abbreviated form Full reference
- DCM Durham, Dean and Chapter Muniments
- Dip. Norv. Diplomatarium Norvegicum, vol. 7, ed. G. Storm (Christiania, 1898)
- Dipl. Scot. Diplomata Scotiae (Selectus Diplomatum et Numismatum Scotiae Thesaurus), ed. J. Anderson (Edinburgh, 1739)
- Douglas Fraser, W., The Douglas Book (Four vols, Edinburgh, 1885)
- Dryb. Lib. Liber Sancte Marie de Dryburgh, ed. W. Fraser (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1847)
- Dugdale, Monasticon William Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, New edn (London 1817-30)
- Dunbar and Duncan, SHR 50 Dunbar, J.G., and Duncan, A.A.M., ‘Tarbert Castle: a contribution to the history of Argyll’ SHR 50, 16-17
- Duncan & Brown, PSAS 90 Duncan, A.A.M. and A.L. Brown, ‘Argyll and the Isles’, PSAS 90 (1956-57)
- Duncan, May Docs Duncan, A.A.M., ‘Documents relating to the Priory of the Isle of May, c. 1140- 1313’, PSAS 90 (1956-7), 52- 80
- Duncan, Kingship Duncan, A.A.M., The Kingship of the Scots, 842-1292 (Edinburgh 2002)
- Duncan, SHR 37 Duncan, A.A.M., 'The earliest Scottish charters', SHR, 37 (1958), 103-35
- Duncan, SHR 78 Duncan, A.A.M., ‘Yes, the Earliest Scottish Charters’, SHR 78 (1999), 1-38
- Dundee Chrs. Charters, Writs, and Public Documents of the Royal Burgh of Dundee, ed. W. Hay (Dundee 1880)
- Dunf. Reg. Registrum de Dunfermelyn, ed. C. Innes (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh,1842)
- Durh. Rites Raine, J., A description … of all the monuments, rites and customes within the Monastical church of Durham (Surtees Society, London, 1842)
- East Lothian Deeds Deeds relating to East Lothian, ed. J. G. Wallace-James (Haddington, 1899)
- Edgar, Dumfries Robert Edgar, An Introduction to the History of Dumfries, ed. R.C. Reid (Dumfries, 1915)
- EEA 1 English Episcopal Acta, 1: Lincoln, 1067-1185, ed. David M Smith (1980)
- EEA 5 English Episcopal Acta, 5: York, 1070-1154, ed. Janet Burton (1988)
- EEA 25 English Episcopal Acta, 25: Durham (1196-1237), ed. M.G. Snape (Oxford, 2002)
- EEA 29 English Episcopal Acta, 29: Durham 1241-1283, ed. Philippa M Hoskin (2005)
- Elphinstone Fraser, W., The Elphinstone Family Book (Edinburgh, 1897)
- Epist. Sancti Thomae Epistolae sancti Thomae Cantuariensis, ed. J.A. Giles (Oxford 1846)
- Erroll Chrs. `Erroll Papers', Spalding Miscellany, ii (Spalding Club, 1842
- ER The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, ed. J. Stuart et al (Edinburgh, 1878-1908) ESCEarly Scottish charters prior to 1153, ed. A.C. Lawrie (Glasgow, 1905)
- EUL, Laing Charters Edinburgh University Library, Laing Charters
- EYC Early Yorkshire Charters
- Familie of Innes Ane Account of the Familie of Innes (Spalding Club, 1864)
- Ferguson, IR, xl Ferguson, ‘Clement V to Scone Abbey: an unprinted letter from the abbey cartularies’, Innes Review, xl (1989)
- Finch. Chrs. The charters of endowment, inventories, and account rolls, of the Priory of Finchale, ed. James Raine (Surtees Society, 1837)
- Foedera Foedera, Conventiones, Litterae et Cuiuscunque Generis Acta Publica, ed. T. Rymer, Record Commission edition (London, 1816-69)
- Forsyth, Book of Deer Studies on the Book of Deer, ed. Katherine Forsyth (Dublin 2008)
- Fragmenta W.B.D.D. Turnbull, Fragmenta Scoto-Monastica (Edinburgh, 1842)
- Fraser Papers Papers from the collection of Sir William Fraser, ed. J.R.N. Macphail. Scottish History Society, 3rd ser, vol. 5 (1924), Miscellaneous Papers, 217-19
- Furness C.B. Coucher Book of Furness Abbey, ed. J.C. Atkinson (Chetham Society, 1886)
- Gen. Coll. Genealogical Collections concerning Families in Scotland made by Walter Macfarlane, ed. J.T. Clark (Scottish History Society, 1st series, Two vols, 1900)
- Glas. Friars Munimenta Fratrum Predicatorum de Glasgu (Maitland Club, 1846)
- Glas. Reg. Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, ed. C. Innes (Two vols, Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs, Edinburgh, 1843)
- Grant Fraser, W., The chiefs of Grant (Edinburgh, 1883)
- Guis. Cart. Cartularium Prioratus de Gyseburne, ed. W. Brown, 2 vols (Surtees Society, 1889-92)
- Haddan and Stubbs, Councils Haddan, A.W., and Stubbs, W., Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland (Oxford 1869-78)
- Hadding. Fraser, W., Memorials of the Earls of Haddington (Edinburgh, 1889)
- Hatton's Book of Seals Sir Christopher Hatton's Book of Seals, ed. L. C. Loyd and D. M.. Stenton (1950)
- H.C. Reg. The Register and Records of Holm Cultram, ed. F. Grainger and W.G. Collingwood. (Kendal, 1929)
- HCY J . Raine, Historians of the Church of York and its Archbishops. Rolls Series 71, 3 vols (London, 1879-94)
- Highland Papers, ii Highland Papers, vol. 2, ed. J.R.N. Macphail (Scottish History Society, 2nd Series, 1916)
- Hist. Dun. Tres Historia Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres: Gaufridus de Coldingham, Robertus de Graystanes, et Willielmus de Chambre (Surtees Society, 1839)
- HMC Historical Manuscripts Commission
- Hodge, SHR 86 Hodge, Arkady, 'A New Charter of William the Lion relating to Strathearn', SHR 86 (2007), 314-27
- Hodgson, Northumberland Hodgson, John, A History of Northumberland (Newcastle 1858)
- Holy. Lib. Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis, ed. C. Innes (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh,1847)
- Horrox Horrox, Rosemary, and Hammond, P.W., eds., British Library Harleian Manuscript 433. Four volumes.
- Ills. Wallace Documents Illustrative of Sir William Wallace, his Life and Times, ed. J. Stevenson (Maitland Club, 1841)
- Inchaff. Chrs. Charters, bulls and other documents relating to the abbey of Inchaffray, ed. W.A. Lindsay, J. Dowden and J.M. Thomson (Scottish History Society, 1st Series, 1908)
- Inchaff. Lib. Liber Insule Missarum, ed. C. Innes (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1847)
- Inchcolm Charters of the abbey of Inchcolm, ed. D.E. Easson and A. Macdonald (Scottish History Society, 3rd Series, 1938)
- IP Instrumenta Publica sive Processus super Fidelitatibus et Homagiis Scotorum Domino Regi Angliae Factis 1291-96, ed. T. Thomson (Bannatyne Club, 1834)
- IR Innes Review
- Invent. Chron. Inventaire Chronologique
- Irvine Muniments Muniments of the royal burgh of Irvine (2 vols, Ayrshire and Wigtonshire Archaeological Association, 1890-1)
- Kel. Lib. Liber Sancte Marie de Calchou, ed. C. Innes (2 vols, Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1846)
- King, IR 27 P. King, 'Coupar Angus and Cîteaux', IR 27 (1976)
- Kinloss Recs.Records of the monastery of Kinloss, ed. J. Stuart (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1872)
- Knights St J.The Knights of St John of Jerusalem in Scotland, ed. P. H. R. Mackay, I. B. Cowan and A. MacQuarrie (Scottish History Society, 4th Series, 1983)
- Lamont Papers An Inventory of Lamont Papers (Scottish Record Society, 1914)
- Laner. Cart. The Lanercost Cartulary, ed. J.M. Todd (Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 1997)
- Lenn. Cart. Cartularium Comitatus de Levenax, ed. J. Dennistoun (Maitland Club, 1833)
- Lennox Fraser, W., The Lennox (Edinburgh, 1874)
- Linc. Reg. The Registrum Antiquissimum of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, ed. C. W. Foster, K. Major, et al. (Lincoln Record Society, 1931-73)
- Lind. Cart. The Chartulary of Lindores Abbey, ed. J. Dowden. (Scottish History Society, 1st Series, Edinburgh, 1903)
- Lind. Lib. Liber Sancte Marie de Lundoris, ed. W.B.D.D. Turnbull (Abbotsford Club, 1841)
- Loudoun Chrs Bute, Mount Stuart, Loudoun Charters
M to R
- Macquarrie, Bruces Macquarrie, A., ‘Notes on some charters of the Bruces of Annandale, 1215 – 1295’, TDGAS 58 (1983), 72 – 79
- Maddan, 1898 William Maddan, ‘John de Raynton, first of Lamberton’, History of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club, XVI, Pt. III (1898), 317-36, Appendix
- Med. Papal Reps. Ferguson, P.C., Medieval Papal Representatives in Scotland (Stair Society, Edinburgh, 1997)
- Melr. Lib. Liber Sancte Marie de Melros, ed. Cosmo Innes (2 vols, Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1837)
- Melvilles Fraser, W., The Melville Earls of Melville and the Leslies Earls of Leven (Edinburgh, 1890)
- Menteith Fraser, W., The Red Book of Menteith (Edinburgh, 1880)
- Midl. Chrs. Registrum domus de Soltre, etc., ed. D. Laing (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1861)
- Milne, SHR 34 Milne, I.A., ‘An extent of Carrick in 1260’, SHR 34 (1955), 46- 8
- Moncreiffes The Moncreiffs and the Moncreiffes, ed. F. Moncreiff and W. Moncreiffe (Edinburgh, 1929)
- Moray Reg. Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, ed. C. Innes (Bannatyne Club, 1837)
- Mort. Reg. Registrum honoris de Morton, ed. T. Thomson, A. Macdonald and C. Innes (Two vols, Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1853)
- N.B. Chrs. Carte Monialium de Northberwic, ed. C. Innes (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1847)
- Nat. MSS Scot. Facsimiles of the national manuscripts of Scotland (London, 1867-71)
- ND Raine, J., The History and Antiquities of North Durham (London, 1852)
- Neville, Strathearn Neville, C.J., ‘The Earls of Strathearn from the twelfth to the mid-fourteenth Century, with an edition of their written acts’. Unpublished University of Aberdeen Ph.D. Thesis, 1983. Volume 2.
- Newb. Reg. Registrum Sancte Marie de Neubotle, ed. C. Innes (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1849)
- NLS National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
- Northern Registers Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern Registers, ed. J. Raine (London, 1873)
- NRS National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh (formerly National Archives of Scotland and Scottish Record Office)
- Oliphants Anderson, J., The Oliphants in Scotland (Edinburgh, 1879)
- Oxford Balliol Deeds The Oxford Deeds of Balliol College, ed. H. E. Salter (Oxford, 1913)
- Pais. Reg. Registrum monasterii de Passelet, ed. C. Innes (Maitland Club, 1832)
- Palgrave, Docs. Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland, ed. F. Palgrave (London, 1837)
- Panmure Reg. Registrum de Panmure, ed. J. Stuart (Edinburgh, 1874)
- Pluscarden Macphail, S.R., History of the Religious House of Pluscardyn (Edinburgh, 1881)
- PNF Taylor, Simon, and Markús, Gilbert, Place-Names of Fife, 5 vols (Donington, 2006-12)
- Procurators Lib. Library of the Royal Faculty of Procurators of Glasgow
- PU W Holtzmann, Papsturkunden in England, ii (1935)
- Ragg, Galloway Ragg, F.W., ‘Five Strathclyde and Galloway Charters’ TDGAS (1917-18) 231- 64
- Records of May Records of the priory of the Isle of May, ed. J. Stuart (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1868)
- Reg. Alex. Registres d’Alexandre IV, ed. Bourel de La Roncière et al. (Paris, 1902)
- Reg. Gray Register of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York (1215-55), ed. J. Raine (Surtees Society, 1870)
- Reg. Greg. IX Registres de Gregoire IX, ed. Lucien Auvray (Paris, 1907)
- Reg. Halton The Register of John Halton, bishop of Carlisle, ed. W. N. Thompson and T.F. Tout (1913)
- Reg. Romeyn The Register of John le Romeyn, lord Archbishop of York 1286-96, ed, W. Brown (Surtees Society, cxxiii (London, 1913).
- Reg. St Werburgh, Chester The chartulary or register of the abbey of St Werburgh, Chester, ed. James Tait. 2 vols (Chetham Society, 1920-23).
- Reg. Urbain Les registres d'Urbain IV (1261-1264), ed. Jean Guiraud (Paris, 1901)
- Reid, de Soulis Reid, R.C., ‘Some early de Soulis Charters’ TDGAS 3rd series, vol. 26 (1949), 150 – 62.
- RLC Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi Asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (2 vols, Record Commission, London, 1833-44)
- RLP Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi Asservati, ed. T.D. Hardy (Record Commission, London, 1835)
- RMS Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum, ed. J.M. Thomson et al (Edinburgh, 1882-1914)
- Robertson, Concilia Scotiae Concilia Scotiae, ed. J. Robertson (Bannatyne Club, 1866)
- Rose of Kilravock A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock, ed. Cosmo Innes (Spalding Club, 1848)
- Rot. Hugonis de Welles Rotuli Hugonis de Welles, ed. W. P. W. Phillimore (Lincoln, 1912-14)
- Rot. Scot. Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londinensi, ed. D. Macpherson, et al. (London, 1814-19)
- Royal Letters, i W. W. Shirley, Royal and other historical letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III, 2 vols (1862-6)
- RRS, i Regesta Regum Scottorum, i, Acts of Malcolm IV, ed. G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh, 1960)
- RRS, ii Regesta Regum Scottorum, ii, Acts of William I, ed. G.W.S. Barrow (Edinburgh, 1971)
- RRS, iii Regesta Regum Scottorum, iii, Acts of Alexander II, ed. K.J. Stringer (forthcoming)
- RRS, iv Regesta Regum Scottorum, iv, Acts of Alexander III, ed. G.G. Simpson and C.J. Neville (Edinburgh, 2012)
- RRS, v Regesta Regum Scottorum, v, Acts of Robert I, ed. A.A.M. Duncan (Edinburgh, 1988)
- RRS, vi Regesta Regum Scottorum, vi, Acts of David II, ed. B. Webster (Edinburgh, 1982)
S to Y
- SAUL St Andrews University Library
- Sayles, SHR 31 Sayles, G.O., ‘A reputed royal charter of 1218’, Scottish Historical Review 31 (1952), 137-9
- Scone Lib. Liber Ecclesie de Scon (Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs, Edinburgh, 1843)
- Scotia Pontificia Somerville, R., Scotia Pontificia (Oxford, 1982)
- SEA, i Scottish Episcopal Acta, vol. 1, ed. Norman Shead (Scottish History Society, 2015)
- Seton A History of the Family of Seton during Eight Centuries, ed. G. Seton (Edinburgh, 1896)
- Shead, IR 58 Shead, N. ‘Four Scottish indulgences at Sens’, Innes Review 58, no. 2, 210-16.
- SHR Scottish Historical Review
- SHS Misc. Miscellany of the Scottish History Society
- Simpson, de Quincy Simpson, G.G., ‘An Anglo-Scottish Baron of the Thirteenth Century: The Acts of Roger de Quincy, earl of Winchester and Constable of Scotland’. Unpublished University of Edinburgh Ph.D. Thesis, 1965. Volume 2
- Simpson, Handlist Handlist of the Acts of Alexander III, the Guardians, and John (1249-96) , ed. G.G. Simpson (Edinburgh, 1960)
- Somme, AA5 Archives communales anciennes d'Amiens, AA5
- Southesk Fraser, W., History of the Carnegies, Earls of Southesk, and of their Kindred (Edinburgh, 1867)
- Spald. Misc. Miscellany of the Spalding Club
- St A. Lib. Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree in Scotia, ed. C. Innes (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1841)
- St B. Reg. The Register of the Priory of St Bees (Surtees Society, 1915)
- Stevenson, Docs. Documents Illustrative of the History of Scotland, 1286-1306, ed. by J. Stevenson, (Edinburgh, 1870)
- Stevenson, Ills. Illustrations of Scottish History, from the twelfth to the sixteenth century, ed. J. Stevenson (Maitland Club, 1834)
- Stirlings of Keir Fraser, W., The Stirlings of Keir (Edinburgh, 1858)
- Stones and Simpson Stones, E.L.G. and G.G. Simpson. Edward I and the Throne of Scotland 1290-1296: an Edition of the Record Sources for the Great Cause (Oxford, 1978)
- Stringer, Alan s. Roland Stringer, K.J., ‘Periphery and Core in Thirteenth-Century Scotland: Alan son of Roland, Lord of Galloway and Constable of Scotland’, in Medieval Scotland: Crown, Lordship and Community, ed. Alexander Grant and Keith J. Stringer (Edinburgh, 1993)
- Stringer, Earl David Acta Stringer, K.J., ‘The Acta of Earl David’, in Earl David of Huntingdon 1152 – 1219: A Study in Anglo- Scottish History (Edinburgh, 1985), 212- 74
- Stringer, Lauderdale Stringer, K.J. ‘The Early Lords of Lauderdale’, in Essays on the Nobility of Medieval Scotland, ed. K.J. Stringer (Edinburgh, 1985)
- Stringer, Lords of Galloway Stringer, K.J. ‘Acts of Lordship: The Records of the Lords of Galloway to 1234’, in Freedom and Authority (2000)
- Stringer, Whithorn Stringer, K.J., The Reformed Church in Medieval Galloway and Cumbria The 11th Whithorn Lecture. (2003) Appendix
- Stringer, IR 24 Stringer, K.J. ‘Dryburgh Abbey and Bozeat’, Innes Review 24
- Suther. Fraser, W., The Sutherland Book (Edinburgh, 1892)
- Swinton, SHR 2 Swinton, G.S.C., ‘Six Early Charters’, SHR 2 (1904- 05), 173 – 80
- Theiner Vetera Munimenta Hibernorum et Scotorum…, ed. A. Theiner (Rome, 1864)
- TNA The National Archives, Kew (formerly PRO)
- Ward. Cart. Cartulary of the Abbey of Old Wardon, ed. G. Herbert Fowler. Bedfordshire Historical Record Society, Vol. 13. (1930)
- Wemyss Fraser, W., Memorials of the Family of Wemyss of Wemyss (Three vols, Edinburgh, 1888)
- Whitby Cart. Cartularium Abbathiae de Whiteby, ed. J. C. Atkinson, 2 vols (Surtees Society, 1879-81)
- Yester Writs Calendar of Writs preserved at Yester House 1166-1503, ed. C.C.H. Harvey and J. Macleod (Scottish Record Society, 1930)