Document 8/1/1 (Pont, Cunningham (Kilwinning))
- Description
- Kilwinnen. It doeth beare the name Vinnen of a certaine holy man so named, wich came from Irland, with certaine of his discipells and fol- loucrs, and heir taught the gospell : the place of hes residence retaining still the name Kilvinnen, i.e. the church or cell of Vinnen, unto quhome, as to a notable Sante, the superstitious posterity dedicated. The search ing out of the etomologie of this place may (as appeireth) be evidently confirmed by the names of the adiacent places to this day ; as Suy-Innen, that is, Vinnen's seat ; Kaeervininhill ; S' Vinnin's velles, fabled by the vulgar credulous comons to haue issewed of the tears of this Sant. It is affirmed that the toune and place quher this Abbey of Kilwinen standes ves formerly named Segdoune, as the foundatione of the said monasterey beares record. It wes foundit by a noble Englich man, named Sr Rich ard Morwell, fugitiue from his auen countrey for the slaughter of Thomas Beckett, Archbischope of Canterburrey (being one of them) in the rainge of King Henry 2d of England ; quho flying to Scotland, wes be the then Scotts King velcomed and honoured with the office of grate constable of Scotland, as also inriched with the lordschips of Cuninghame, Largis, and Lauderdaill, quhosse posterity for diuers generations possessed the said office and lands. Now the forsaid Richard being, as vald seime, touched vith compunctione for the sauefty of his soule (according to the custome of thesse tymes) did found this abbey of Killvinnin in testimo- ney of hes repentance. And first of all did bulde the queir or cancell of the said abbey church, endouing it vith diuerss lands : as, namely, the 80 lib. land of Killvinin, after this tenor : — Damus forrestam nostram de Killvinin, ibidem Deo seruientibus ad pascendum porcos eorum et ad exscindenda ligna ad constructionem monasterii, vna cum decimus tergorum tam ceruorum quam damarum eiusdem forrestre. Also Auicea Loncaster, vyffe to the said Sr Richard, vith consent of her said husband, dottes, in puram et perpetuam eliuiosinam, the land of Byith, Batth and Treppewood to the said monasterey. Item, Dorothea de Morvill daughter to the said Sr Richard, and viffe to Philippus de Horssey, accomplisched the fabrick of the said monasterey ; and his sone, Dominus Valterus de Horssey, confirms to them the same : and the said fundatione with the donationes and mortifications therto belonging is confirmed by Pope Honorius the 2d. anno 240 Pontificatus sue. Thesse donations and fuhdations ar also confirmed by King Alexander the 3d. as also by Jocelinus, Dei gratia humilis Glasguensis ecclesiae minister authoritate episcopali, &c. The reueneus of this abbay wer grate and maney, by ther proper lands. The founder therof, Sr Richard Morwill, layes interred in the now cemetery of this church, vnder a tome of lyme- stone, framed coffin vayes, of old pollished vorko, vith this coate on the stone, without aney superscriptione or epitaphe. The structure of this monasterey wes solid and grate, all of free stone cutte ; the church faire and staitly, after the modell of that of Glasgow, vith a faire steiple of 7 score foote of height, yet standing quhen I my selue did see it. Heir wer also the lords Montgomarie and earls of Eglintone interred. The riuer Garnock glyds betuix the toune and abbay, ouerpassed vith a faire stone bridge. Heir it is remarkable, that this monasterey wes foundit in anno 1191, and destroyed in anno 1591. It has the precinct environed vith a faire stone vall, vithin vich ar goodly gardens and orchardes.
- Firm date
- circa 1600
- Source for Data Entry
- Topographical account of the district of Cunningham, Ayrshire. Compiled about the year 1600, by Mr Timothy Pont Edited by John Fullarton. Maitland Club, no. 74 (Glasgow, 1858), 22-3
- Trad. ID
- Pont, Cunningham (Kilwinning)
- Calendar number
- 8/1/1
- Charter type
- Antiquarian narrative
- Language
- Entered from an English summary
- Document type notes
- Antiquarian text in English with some Latin phrases.
For background on this document, see Barrow, _The Anglo-Norman Era_, 76-9.