People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 475c)

Account of Henry de Lutegarshale, clerk of the pantry and buttery of the prince of Wales. Richard of Bromsgrove, from Berwick, 14 Oct. 1306, when prince was going there to do justice to Niall de Bruce
Firm date
14 October 1306
Place date (modern)
Related Place
Source for Data Entry
CDS, v, no. 475c
Trad. ID
CDS, v, no. 475c
Calendar number
Charter type
English Royal Administration
Entered from an English summary
TNA E101/368/8

Total number of associated factoids: 1

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Date Short Summary Primary Witnesses
14 Oct. 1306 ERA yes