Protection and safe conduct:
Robert Mowat, steward of Chester, for his two valets.
Edmund Hastings, lieutenant of Sir Aymer de Valence in the town of Perth, for Adam Carbonel.
Ebles de Montz for Eustace de Anesyn in garrison at Edinburgh Castle.
John de Seagrave, for Sir Giles d’Argentan and his two valets John de Lacy and John de Gotham.
William le Vavasour, for William de Holm of Pontefract, John de Birton, Nicholas de Lascelles, Mauger le Vavasour, Thomas de Thirne, William del Sayles, and Hugh of Swinligton, with the earl of Lincoln in the garrison of his castle of Inverkip.
John of Droxford, for Robert de Wynepol, the king’s clerk, going to Linlithgow immediately.