Document 5/1/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1489)
- Description
- The king to the earl of Strathearn, commands him to prevent any of his people going to the castle of Stirling, selling or buying provisions or merchandise, holding any communication with the garrison or carrying victuals to them. Similar to earls of Menteith and Lennox.
- Firm date
- 1 April 1304
- Dating Notes
- April 1st, 31st (sic) year
- Place date (modern)
- St Andrews
- Related Place
- St Andrews
- Source for Data Entry
- CDS, ii, no. 1489
- Trad. ID
- CDS, ii, no. 1489
- Calendar number
- 5/1/None
- Charter type
- English Royal Administration
- Language
- Entered from an English summary