Document 3/700/1 (Menteith, no. 12)
- Description
- Patrick, ear of Dunbar, Patrick, John and Alexander, his sons, Walter Stewart, earl of Menteith, Alexander and John, his sons, Robert Bruce, lord of Annandale, and Robert Bruce, earl of Carrick, and Richard de Bruce, his sons, James Steward of Scotland and John, his brother, Angus, son of Donald and Alexander his legitimate son, make known that they bind themselves and promise faithfully, swearing on the Holy Gospels, that they will adhere to Sir Richard de Burgh, earl of Ulster, and Sir Thomas de Clare, in all their business, saving fealty to the king of England, and saving fealty to he who shall obtain the kingdom of Scotland by reason of relationship to Sir Alexander, king of Scotland, deceased.
- Firm date
- Friday 20 September 1286
- Dating Notes
- Friday, vigil of Blessed Matthew the apostle, 1286
- Place date (modern)
- Turnberry
- Place date (document)
- Turnebyry in Carryke
- Related Place
- Turnberry
- Source for Data Entry
- Fraser, Menteith, no. 12
- Trad. ID
- Menteith, no. 12
- Calendar number
- 3/700/1
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin