Document 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1004)
- Description
- Indenture dated 15 Aug. 1298, at the castle of Abercorn in Scotland whereby it is agreed between Sir Aymer de Valence lord of Montignac and Sir Thomas lord of Berkeley, that the latter's wages shall be reckoned from Monday after Midsummer day last, till the morrow of the Assumption, etc., as Sir Aymer and Sir Thomas have agreed in the presence of Sir Moryz of Berkeley, John de Columbers, Nicholas de Karren, Thomas de Gournay, John de la Rivere and William of Wautone.
- Firm date
- 15 August 1298
- Place date (modern)
- Abercorn
- Related Place
- Abercorn
- Source for Data Entry
- CDS, ii, no. 1004
- Trad. ID
- CDS, ii, no. 1004
- Calendar number
- 5/3/None
- Charter type
- English Royal Administration
- Language
- Entered from an English summary