Indenture by Dougal Macdowell, constable of the castle of Dumfries, attesting receipt by the hands of John of Menrethe (Menteith?), his clerk, from the keeper of the king’s stores at Carlisle, for the munition of the castle, between the 9th and 20th days of July current, of 70 qrs. wheat and 7 casks of wine.
[Similar receipts by the constable for provisions and stores on 24 September and 19 November, same year, and a writ of Privy seal by the king, tested Dover 8 August, to the keeper of the stores at Carlisle, commanding him to supply victuals to the garrison of Dumfries, as Sir Dougal has complained of his negligence in aiding them, whereby many of his men have deserted.]