Memorandum by the ‘Commune’ of Scotland to the king and his ministers in Scotland. 1) though they have purchased a truce for the safety of the country and their allegiance, and included the castles and towns in their bounds, that is, the sheriffdoms of Berwick, Roxburgh and Edinburgh, some of the sheriffs allow no goods to leave their castles or their garrisons to pay for what they buy (in the sheriffdom of Edinburgh, at least one fourth part), and the country is so poor that they cannot get on without ready money, and beg the king’s special order to that effect. Again, when the people ‘del enemiste’ come to bargain under the truce, their goods are taken by some of the castellans and king’s officers, endangering the truce, as the robbers are resetted in the castles. And they earnestly pray the king for redress against these and other oppressions against the common law of the land, and special letters to his servants; likewise for a good ‘examinour’ over the latter to redress their outrages in cancelling and suppressing the king’s former letters on the petitioners’ behalf. They beg a reply to the bearer.