The king commands John of Brittany, earl of Richmond, his lieutenant in Scotland to march to Galloway to put down Robert de Bruce, as John de St John, Dougal Macdowell, Donegal (Donald?), son of Can, and others of the greater men there, have written that he and his accomplices are burning and plundering, and inciting and compelling the inhabitants to rebel. He has commanded Patrick, earl of Dunbar, John of Hastings, John son of Marmaduke, Robert of Keith, Alexander of Abernethy, Henry Sinclair, Alexander de Balliol, and John de Vaux, also John, baron of Wigtown and Richard le Brun, keepers of the peace of Lancaster, Cumberland and Wesmorland, with Roger Heron and Simon Ward, keepers of the peace of Northumberland and Tynedale, to aid him with their powers.