In the year of grace 1291, at the feast of Pentecost, it was agreed between Sir Robert de Brus, lord of Annandale, on the one hand, and John of Stirling of Moray on the other, that Sir Robert granted and leased at ferme to Sir John all his land which he has within the barony of Inverbervie, with the burgh and outside of it, with all its pertinents, to be held and had by Sir John and his heirs from the feast of Pentecost until the end of the five years nearest following, just as Robert possesses the said land, with all its liberties and pertinents. Robert reserves the wards, reliefs, marriage dues, and escheats of felons with the said barony, and John is to render annually to Robert sixteen pounds of sterling at Dundee for two years, viz. half at Pentecost and the other half at the feast of St Martin in winter. And John is to provide all owed and customary service from the said land; except the service of the lord king in aids and army service. Robert promises warrandice.