Edward [II], king of England, lord of Ireland, and duke of Aquitaine addresses William de Munfichet (Muschet), and orders him, on pain of death and dismemberment, and all other forfeitures which he might incur at the king’s hands, that he does not surrender his town of Dundee (ANG), the custody of which the king entrusted to him, on the pretext of any convention between him and the Scots, the king’s enemies, lately besieging the said town, nor by any means also give up to the king’s enemies any of the king’s prisoners (some of whom, contrary to the king’s express will and order, William delivered to the aforesaid enemies) under any conditions whatsoever, but that he keep the town in safety and security for the king’s service, making it known to those to whom he has committed the king’s prisoners, and to those who have the prisoners in their keeping, that they cause them to be kept in safety, and not hand them over to death in any manner whatsoever; and that the king shall give power to Walter of Moray to execute, without any hesitation and delay, all those who are properly condemned to death, and all other prisoners in Scotland, wherever they are to be found in the king’s keeping.
Firm date
2 March 1312
Dating Notes
on the second day of March in the fifth year of our reign