Oliver and Richard Smally, grieves, and the other grieves and citizens of Glasgow, assembled at the pleas of the burgh held at Glasgow on the Wednesday after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in 1293, state that Odard son of the late Richard Hangpudding, for the salvation of his soul, and the souls of his predecessors and successors, and the rest of Christ's faithful, has given, granted, and made firm by this present charter, to St Mary’s light in the high church of Glasgow, half of seven roods of land towards the east, as they lie in length and in width in the crofts beyond the town towards the west, between the land of St Mary’s light in the chapel lower in the town to the west, and the land of Christina, the late spouse of Simon of Govan, to the east; and has delivered sasine of the half land upon the ground as use is to Sir John of Bothwell, vicar of the choir of Glasgow, procurator of the light for intoll and outtoll. Which land Odard and his heirs will warrant to St Mary’s light. And since the gift, with delivery of sasine, was made before Oliver, in the presence of twelve citizens, and Roger son of Philip and John Dubber, sergeands of the villa, they have, according to the custom of their city, caused their common seal to be affixed to the charter in witness of the act, and in further confirmation of the act, the seal of the official of Glasgow has been appended to it.
Firm date
Tuesday 15 September 1293
Dating Notes
on the Tuesday nearest after the feast of blessed Laurence the Martyr in the year 1293