Thomas of Kilmaron has rented and also leased to Alexander called Scrymgeour, son of Colin, son of Carun, the land of le Torr’ (i.e., Torr of Moonzie, FIF) for a term of nine years, in respect of a certain sum of money paid by him to the grantor in his need, to be held by the grantor and his heirs and assignees, with all just pertinents, until they have reaped nine crops therefrom, the term of entry being Martinmas 1293, and peaceful possession being guaranteed, with a stipulation that in case of disturbance other suitable land shall be made available, and provisions for the imposition of penalties on the grantor and his heirs in the event of their attempting to evade their obligations, and notably a declaration that before they can be heard to defend such conduct they shall pay 100 shillings sterling to the hospital of St Nicholas, near St Andrews, and the poor scholars of that city, and an acceptance of the jurisdiction of the officials of the Bishop of St. Andrews of the Archdeacon thereof.
Firm date
25 March 1293 X 10 November 1293
Dating Notes
the term of entry mentioned as Martinmas 1293
Source for Data Entry
Macphail, Highland Papers, ii, Glassarie Writs, 125-8, no. 3
Trad. ID
Highland Papers, ii, 125-9
Calendar number
Charter type
Original (contemporary)
Contemporary original, in possession of Earl of Lauderdale, Thirlestane Castle. Facsimile printed in SHS edition. Seals missing