On the same day [10 July 1296] at Montrose, before the most high prince, the lord Edward, king of England, in the presence of the lord bishop of Durham aforesaid, and the noble men, the lords John of Warenne, Roger of Norfolk, Humphrey of Hereford, William of Warwick, Patrick of Dunbar, and Gilbert of Angus, earls, and of the Notary; the noble man, the lord John Comyn, earl of Buchan, presented himself, and of his own free will attained the trust and goodwill of the lord king of England; he annulled any alliances etc. entered into in his name with the king of the French against the king of England; and having taken hold of and kissed the holy gospels, he performed fealty to the king of England; and upon his fealty so performed, he made his letters patent drawn up in his name, sealed with his authentic pendant seal.