Document 6/2/10 (IP, 65-6)
- Description
- On 10 June [1296] at [Edinburgh], in the presence of the Notary, and of the lords Walter de Beauchamp, John Tregotz, John Merk, and Thomas of Bicknor, knights, with many others, Walter Logan, of his own accord, attained the trust and goodwill of the king of England; and he expressly rencounced, on his own part and that of his heirs, the alliances, contracts, agreements, and pacts made with the king of the French, against his lord, the king of England; having touched and kissed the most holy gospels, he performed fealty to the king of England, and drew up letters patent in his own name and set his seal to them.
- Firm date
- 10 June 1296
- Dating Notes
- 10 June in the aforementioned year and indiction
- Place date (modern)
- Edinburgh
- Related Place
- Edinburgh
- Source for Data Entry
- Thomson, Instrumenta Publica, pp. 65-6 [= TNA, MS. C47/23/3, m. 2]
- Trad. ID
- IP, 65-6
- Calendar number
- 6/2/10
- Charter type
- Public Instrument
- Language
- Latin
- Notes
- Ragman Roll: TNA, MS. C47/23/3, m. 2