Alexander, son of Walter, Steward of Scotland, makes known that in the year of Grace 1252, on the first Sunday of the Advent of the Lord, at Paisley, he has withdrawn from his monks, with their permission and blessing, so that he might visit the shrines of St James the Apostle in holy devotion and pilgrimage; and because it is seemly and proper that pilgrims should be concerned with works of mercy and devotion, he has granted to his said monks, and has made firm by this his present charter, in free and perpetual alms, all the donations that his ancestors made to them with which the said monks were vested and seised on the day this confirmation was conferred to them; namely in respect of churches, teinds, lands, pastures and fisheries, possessions, rents and all other revenues. If by chance on this pilgrimage it should befall him after the manner of men [i.e. if he should die], he wills and instructs that his heirs, in peril of their souls, should hold fast this confirmation for the salvation of his soul. In testimony of this matter he has caused his seal to be affixed to the present charter.