People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 3/414/4 (Moray Reg., no. 108)

Walter of Moray, son of the late William of Moray, has given, granted and established by this his charter to Blessed Nicholas and his Hospital next to the Bridge of Spey, for the support of the paupers there, all his land of Aikenway (MOR), that is, one davoch, in pure and perpetual alms, by its right bounds, with all its just pertinents, saving his fishery in the River Spey, rendering annually for all service and exaction, one pound of pepper at Pentecost.
Firm date
7 October 1232 X 17 December 1242
Dating Notes
Royal grant to ‘chapel’ of St Nicholas (_Moray Reg._, no. 110) × death of Bishop Andrew of Moray.
Source for Data Entry
Moray Registrum, no. 108
Trad. ID
Moray Reg., no. 108
Calendar number
Charter type

Total number of associated factoids: 17

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Date Short Summary Title Holder
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 bishop of Moray Andrew Murray, bishop of Moray (d.1242)
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 Master William, canon of Moray, master
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 Master Edward Murray, master, canon, bishop's clerk
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 Master William Murray, canon of Moray (fl.1223×30)
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 Dominus (Lord/Sir) Walter Murray of Duffus (son of Hugh)
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 serviens Michael of Smailholm
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 serviens Robert of Cockburn, serviens
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 serviens Stephen, serviens
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 canon of Moray William, canon of Moray, master
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 canon of Moray Edward Murray, master, canon, bishop's clerk
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 canon of Moray William Murray, canon of Moray (fl.1223×30)

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Date Short Summary Holder Lord
7 Oct. 1232 X 17 Dec. 1242 Aikenway (MOR) Walter Murray of Petty (son of William (II) Freskin Murray, d.1226)