Richard de Moreville, constable of the king of Scots, has given, and by his charter established, to Dryburgh Abbey, the church of Saltoun (ELO) with a full ploughgate of land and all things pertaining to the church after the death of Robert, clerk, in perpetual alms. He also grants and establishes to them the donations which his father gave to the brethren, that is, the church of Channelkirk (BWK), which Godfrey the priest held on the day his father took up the canonical habit, and the fisheries his father gave them of Berwick and the teinds of his mills of Lauder (BWK) and of Saltoun in perpetual alms.
Firm date
1162 X 9 December 1165
Dating Notes
Prob. same time as above (Succession of Richard de Moreville to constableship × death of King Malcolm, who confirmed this (_RRS_, I, no. 218; 1/5/84)