Document 3/499/14 (ND, App., no. 404)
- Description
- John son of Bertram of Little Reston, for the health of his soul and the souls of his predecessors, has granted, given, and made firm by this present charter, to Blessed Mary and the fabric of the church of Coldingham, in free, pure, and perpetual alms, one strip of arable land on the east side of the villa of Little Reston, between the land of the church of Coldingham and the land of William of Lumsdaine; to the sacrist of the said church of Coldingham, to have and to hold, just as any alms can be given or granted in the kingdom of Scotland; and he shall warrant the said land, etc.
- Firm date
- 1245 X circa 1281
- Dating Notes
- Floruit of John, son of Bertram
- Source for Data Entry
- DCM, Misc. Ch. 1113
- Trad. ID
- ND, App., no. 404
- Calendar number
- 3/499/14
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin
- Original (contemporary)
- yes
- Notes
- DCM, Misc. Ch., no. 1113