People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 3/491/1 (C.A. Rent., 348, no. 86)

Charter of donation of Ness, medicus of the lord king, to Coupar Angus Abbey, in pure and perpetual alms, for the welfare of the soul of Sir David of Hastings, earl of Atholl, pie recordationis, and his spouse Forflisa (Forbhflaith), countess of Atholl, of the lands of Upper Dunfallandy (PER), which the earl and countess gave him for his homage and service.
Firm date
August 1244 X 3 July 1247
Dating Notes
The expression _pie recordationis_ suggests that Earl David of Hastings was already dead. His last known attestation is in August 1244, a treaty between Alexander II and Henry III at Newcastle (_CDS_ I, no. 1654). This charter is confirmed by King Alexander, 3 July 1247 (_C.A. Chrs._, no. 53; _Handlist_, no. 284).
Source for Data Entry
Coupar Angus Rental, i, 348, no. 86
Trad. ID
C.A. Rent., 348, no. 86
Calendar number
Charter type
NAS, GD 83/2 (?) This item is not available for production. It was missing when the collection was given to the National Archives of Scotland.

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Date Short Summary Primary Witnesses
unavailable Gift of lands of Upper Dunfallandy (PER) no
Aug. 1244 X 3 Jul. 1247 Gift of lands of Upper Dunfallandy (PER) yes

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Date Short Summary Title Holder
Aug. 1244 X 3 Jul. 1247 physician Ness, master, king's physician
Aug. 1244 X 3 Jul. 1247 Dominus (Lord/Sir) David Hastings, earl of Atholl (d.1247)
Aug. 1244 X 3 Jul. 1247 countess of Atholl Forbflaith, countess of Atholl
Aug. 1244 X 3 Jul. 1247 king Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249)
Aug. 1244 X 3 Jul. 1247 earl of Atholl David Hastings, earl of Atholl (d.1247)