People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 3/494/2 (Cold. Cart., no. 41)

Thomas of Rawburn has given, granted and by this his charter established to Coldstream Priory that meadow called ‘Cammesmedu’ which lies in the territory of the villa of Thornydykes (BWK), in free, pure and perpetual alms. He places himself under the jurisdiction of the archdeacon of Lothian and the dean of Merse.
Firm date
1254 X 24 August 1289
Probable date
poss. ca 1260
Dating Notes
Robert of Nisbet × death of Earl Patrick; poss. from witn. Hugh de Gourlay as steward
Source for Data Entry
Coldstream Cartulary, no. 41
Trad. ID
Cold. Cart., no. 41
Calendar number
Charter type

Total number of associated factoids: 13