William son of Robert has given, granted, and by this his charter established to Dryburgh Abbey in free, pure and perpetual alms, one toft in the villa of Samsonshiels (now Shieldfield in Lauder parish, BWK) which is between the house of Gilbert son-in-law of Henry [son of Samson] and the house of Ada, daughter of Liolf, with a croft, and moreover in the territory of the same villa, all that meadow that lies between ‘Morilaw’ and ‘Caldewele’ in length and between ‘Standandstane’ (the standing stone?) and the crofts of ‘Logis’ on both sides of the burn, in width, and also all his cultivated land with the marsh by stated bounds, in free and pure alms.
Firm date
X 8 June 1229
Dating Notes
× confirmation
Source for Data Entry
Dryburgh Liber, no. 178
Trad. ID
Dryb. Lib., no. 178
Calendar number
Charter type
possibly the same person as William of Burncastle? Confirmed by Henry son of Samson.