Nicholas Corbet, for the soul of his lord, Alexander, king of Scotland, and for the souls of his father, his mother and all his ancestors and successors and for the salvation of himself and his wife, Margaret, and all his friends, has given, granted and amde firm by this his present charter to Melrose Abbey, for the augmentation and improvement of the sustenance and recreation of them, all his fisheries which he had in the river of Tweed adjacent to his land of Makerstoun (ROX) viz. from the march of ‘Dalcove’ continuing all the way to the march of Broxmouth, without any re-annexation, and any right or power to fish in the same, in pure and perpetual alms, free and quit from all terrestrial service, custom, exaction and demand, just as he and his ancestors held or were able to hold the same, with further specified freedoms and restrictions.