Henry son of Samson has given and granted and by this his charter established to Dryburgh Abbey and to his mother church of Channelkirk (BWK) in the villa of Samsonshiels (now Shieldfield in Lauder parish, BWK) one toft and croft, and the land in the same territory which lies between the acre of William son of Robert and the ditch between Henry and Pilmuir (BWK) by stated marches, including between him Gilbert, his son-in-law, in free, pure and perpetual alms.
Firm date
1234 X
Probable date
poss. × 8 June 1229
Dating Notes
× death of Alan of Galloway
Source for Data Entry
Dryburgh Liber, no. 177
Trad. ID
Dryb. Lib., no. 177
Calendar number
Charter type
Confirmed by Alan son of Roland of Galloway, the constable (3/28/21)