Document 3/232/1 (ND, App., no. 352)
- Description
- Walter Frebern, in respect of charity, has given, granted, and made firm by the present charter to Blessed Mary, Saint Cuthbert, Saint Ebbe the virgin, and the prior and monks of Coldingham, in free, pure, and perpetual alms, half of his toft in the villa of Lemberton, viz., the half nearer to the church of Lamberton.
- Firm date
- X 1234
- Dating Notes
- Henry of Prenderguest as witness
- Source for Data Entry
- DCM, Misc. Ch. 1155
- Trad. ID
- ND, App., no. 352
- Calendar number
- 3/232/1
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin
- Original (contemporary)
- yes
- Notes
- DCM, Misc. Ch., no. 1155
- Document Image
the Models of Authority website for an image of this charter with transcription,
translation, etc.