Document 3/174/2 (NRS, AD 1/7)
- Description
- Simon Cornet, son of John Cornet, has given, granted, and by this his present charter established to John of Preston son of his aunt, all his land of Myles (Tranent parish, ELO) which is called ‘Krawwyth’ with all its just pertinents, to his assignees, freely, quietly and hereditarily, rendering annually 1d. on Christmas if asked in the said feu for all services, exactions and demands, and if not the 1d, making forinsec service of the lord king for the chief lord of the feu.
- Firm date
- circa 25 January 1285
- Dating Notes
- Probably at the same time as Simon’s resignation above. (3/174/1)
- Source for Data Entry
- NRS, AD 1/7
- Trad. ID
- NRS, AD 1/7
- Calendar number
- 3/174/2
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin
- Original (contemporary)
- yes
- Notes
- NRS, AD 1/7