Document 3/421/12 (Kel. Lib., no. 157)
- Description
- Cecilia of Mow, daughter of Eschina of Mow, in her widowhood and as lady by legal right, has given, granted, and by this her present charter established to Kelso Abbey in free, pure, and perpetual alms, the toft and croft which belonged to William of Mowhope and 26 acres of arable land in her domain of Mow (ROX), by stated marches, which include the land and pasture of Gilbert Avenel, the land of the monks, and Cecilia's part of the land of Hogg. Additionally, she gave in free, pure and perpetual alms, 13 acres of arable land in her dominion in Mowstall, by stated marches which include the field of Gilbert Avenel, her pasture in 'Brademedwe' and her grainery, pasture rights, a sheepfold near 'Aldetuneburne', entrance and exit rights, and the right to take from 'Persouth' what the monks need to make carts and a fence. They will hold the aforementioned free and quit from every service, exaction and custom, from every burden and claim, and from multure.
- Firm date
- 1237 X 1249
- Dating Notes
- predecessor of Nicholas de Sules in office as sheriff of Roxburgh x Bishop Bondington's successor in office as chancellor
- Source for Data Entry
- Kelso Liber, i, no. 157
- Trad. ID
- Kel. Lib., no. 157
- Calendar number
- 3/421/12
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin