Document 3/145/3 (Kel. Lib., no. 272)
- Description
- Ralph de Clare, son of Ralph de Clare, by the consent and petition of Roger, his heir, has granted and by this, his present charter, established to Kelso Abbey the church of Cambusnethan (LAN) with everything justly pertaining to it, in free, pure and perpetual alms. Additionally, he granted to Kelso Abbey and to the church of Cambusnethan, the teinds, multure, and exit of his mill of Cambusnethan in free, pure and perpetual alms. Additionally, he grants Kelso Abbey the right to grind its grain in the mill first, before the lord or whoever else. However, the monks granted to Ralph the right to build a private chapel within his court as long as it does not damage or cause financial loss to the mother church. Ralph made these concessions for the soul of himself and of his ancestors and successors.
- Firm date
- 1185 X
- Probable date
- prob. 1185 x
- Dating Notes
- prob. after death Robert Avenel
- Source for Data Entry
- Kelso Liber, i, no. 272
- Trad. ID
- Kel. Lib., no. 272
- Calendar number
- 3/145/3
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin